Still catching up. Maybe this isn’t current- bite me. Speaking of which:
Roy and the Tiger- the last theory I heard was that the tiger was trying to save Roy from a threatening hairdo. The woman’s hair looked like a meerkat, and ever since Lion King the big cats have been suspicious of the little Jew meerkats controlling everything.
I doubt the cat really wanted him dead. If the cat wanted him dead he probably would have been dead in a second. So it seems it was really more like a labor negotiating tool. A kind of, “Hey, I’ve been asking for a freaking vacation for a couple years and I get nothing. Aren’t there laws or something? What do I have to do to be heard around here, kill somebody?” Or maybe kitty was just hungry and prefers his meat very rare.
Enough of that.
In other events- there’s an Islamic Conference going on. A speaker, Mahathir Mohamad, declared they should be willing to declare a truce with the Jews. He was widely reported as a voice of moderation. Moderation is a relative thing. If he said “Push the Zionist Jews into the sea. Then hunt down every remaining Jew in the world and kill them. Throw their bodies in the fields for wild animals to eat. Crush the remaining bones into dust. Then destroy any record they were alive to blot them from history,” the sympathetic media might say he was hard-line, but only because he was suffering the loss of so many suicide bombers at the hands of the Jews, or something like that.
In comparison “Make peace, then keel the Joos” would sound downright moderate.
What he actually said was “The Quran tells us that when the enemy sues for peace we must react positively. True the treaty offered is not favourable to us. But we can negotiate.”
That certainly sounds moderate- like the voice of reason. But then he adds,
“The Prophet did, at Hudaibiyah. And in the end he triumphed.”
If you don’t know what he’s talking about you may think it’s a moral victory- it’s not. What does it really mean?
“Just three months after -Hudaibiyah, Khaiber, the major stronghold of the Jews, was conquered and after it the Jewish settlements of Fadak, Wad-il Qura, Taima and Tabuk also fell to Islam one after the other. Then all other tribes of central Arabia, which were bound in alliance with the Jews and Quraish, came under the sway of Islam. Thus, within two years after Hudaibiyah the balance of power in Arabia was so changed that the strength of the Quraish and pagan gave way and the domination of Islam became certain.
These were the blessings that the Muslims gained from the peace treaty which they were looking upon as their defeat and the Quraish as their victory.” Mahathir is not inciting a truce for the sake of peace. He wants to obtain position for victory.
You can read the entire text here courtesy of a link from Little Green Footballs.
You can expect the media, though allegedly controlled by Jews, will report on the Muslim display of statesmanship as a hopeful sign. Surely the Jews will accept the olive branch and reciprocate with an act of good faith. There will continue to be cries for the Israelis to give up land to be fair, and to heal the wounds. Fair would eventually be determined to mean leaving enough land in Israel for each Israeli to have a burial plot. That’s the only thing that will make Muslims happy. Israel offends Islam, so does the United States.
Enough of that too.
Whine at me: