Visited the brother. We always hit Wal-Mart. If he doesn’t need something his wife does. We bitch about how Wal-Mart kills off the local retailers, and then we go back.
Stupid is as stupid does. I’m really tired of that phrase. I was tired of it before it won its Oscars, but sometimes it just fits. And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.
Anyway, as we were leaving Wal-Mart it was lightly snowing. I should have known right there. Should have thrown the kids in the car and headed home. I did not. We visited till rather late. We visited till there were a couple inches of snow on the ground.
Oy. You think you have problems? Try driving cross-eyed at night on slippery roads. There’s more to it than that, but God forbid I should bore you with my problems. The first 40 miles were driven at 35-40 mph. Then we were out of the snow and oh baby let’s crank it up and make it feeeeeel right. It was a long trip, but we got home safely.
Whine at me: