Thursday, January 20, 2011

Obama owes a lot to the unions. During his campaign the SEIU alone donated $60.7 million in union dues to him. In his first month in office he issued four executive orders that benefited unions. Joe Biden made it clear that the Stimulus was aimed at union jobs.
A 2009 Pew Hispanic Center Report found that 17 percent of construction jobs are held by illegals.
We know that the Democrats want the border open because every illegal that crosses the border is assumed to be a future Democrat voter. Even so, it would be expected that Obama would protect his union allies by protecting their jobs. That would keep his core of voters solid and ensure the flow of those sweet campaign contributions. But the border is still wide open, and he stopped construction of the electronic fence.
The unions may eventually figure out that they're not partners with Obama, they're tools. Even though his Communist or Socialist ideology would naturally make him sympathetic to labor, any union sympathy is trumped by something even more powerful. They too must suffer for the crime of being Americans.
The people he was raised by and associated with hated America. It isn't by naivete that he's filled government positions with people who hate this country and want to damage it. It isn't by incompetence that he bows to foreign leaders and denigrates the office of the Presidency, and apologizes to other countries to humiliate us. It wasn't a mistake that immediately after assuming office he spent enough money to break this country's bank. It's no coincidence that the only areas of government where he can cut spending are defense programs.
Obama is the avenging angel of the third world. He's here to punish all of us, including union members. He's not stupid, he's a cold, calculating political animal. So he'll throw them a bone, like getting his NLRB appointee to enact card check by regulation. The unions think it's great, but actually he's sowing the seeds of their destruction. As jobs are unionized the worker's wages go up, thereby making them even more uncompetitive with illegals. To compete employers will either have to hire illegals, or move overseas. The loss of those jobs by Americans will result in less taxes being paid, more government entitlements being paid, thereby over-stressing governments.
If he really wanted to help American union workers, Obama wouldn't just cancel the electronic fence, he'd say there's still plenty of stimulus money to spend so we're going to seal the southern border with a concrete wall 10 feet deep, 20 feet high, and five foot wide, and we're going to build it with union construction workers. Any chance that's going to happen? I think not. Whine at me: