This evening we went to a game of the local minor league baseball team. The only reason we went is because the Super Nurse’s employer gave the employees free tickets. The Thrifty Wife never turns down free, you can count on that.
I like to play baseball, but as a spectator sport it bores me almost unto death. While we were watching Ms. Pikachu said, “Dad, you were right. Baseball really is the game of the gods.”
By the time the eigth inning started everybody had had enough. Train Boy had played on all the kids’ activities, Thrifty Wife felt she’d gotten her dollar’s worth, Super Wife knew she needed to get the kids to bed anyway,
There was a veteran’s memorial on the way to the car. The kids climbed on the tank and Ms. Pikachu started to go nuts, she had conversations with herself. “Are we there yet?” ”If you don’t behave I’m going to turn this tank around!” There's never a dull moment with Ms. Pikachu.
Then it was home. I’ve tried to catch up on the last few weeks blog entries tonight. It’s time to get some sleep