If Kerry loses- I predict, yes, I predict that Kerry will get serious in the Senate and work to pass legislation legalizing gay marriage. He'll then divorce Thereza, marry George Soros, and run again in 2008. He will lose again, and Soros will file for bankruptcy protection in 2009.
If Kerry wins people will say Dubya was just like his Dad, a one-termer, “Like father, like son ” and they’ll shake their heads. They’ll soon wish he was back in office. Everyone will quickly tire of Kerry due to his agonizingly slow decision-making requiring summit after summit and his inability to stick with any decision he makes. Everything he touches will turn to quagmire and it will be seared, seared into the country’s memory. He too will be a one-termer.
I admit I'm not a God-certified prophet, so don't stone me if none of it happens. But you read it here first.
I am not enamored of Bush, I don’t worship at the shrine of Reagan. I’m a registered independent, I vote both ways, and I have to put up with calls and mail from both parties. I try to keep an open mind, but this election is a no-brainer. I don’t like Kerry.
I don’t like Kerry because he did an abbreviated tour of duty in Viet Nam and talks about it as though he was a hero. I don’t like Kerry because when he got home he slandered all the men still in Viet Nam and gave aid and comfort to their enemy. I don’t like Kerry because men who serve together in combat say they become closer than brothers and over two hundred men who served with him say he’s unfit to be President. That’s pretty damning to me.
I don’t like Kerry because in the Dick Cavett interviews he came across as an arrogant brat, and I don’t like arrogant brats.
I don’t like Kerry because he seems to be a gold-digger. Maybe he’s not. But the first woman he married was rich. He divorced her because he fell in love with a woman with even more money. Marrying another woman who is richer is like marrying another woman who is considerably younger- maybe it’s true love, or maybe it’s just a guy being vain and self-serving. If wouldn’t seem so bad if he’d married the Heinz heiress first, and then divorced her for someone with less money. But beggars can’t be choosers.
I don’t like Kerry because I think he’s incapable of chief executive decision-making. If he’d been in office on 9/11 is there anyone who can imagine him doing anything but sitting on his hands waiting for UN action? Then he’d have summit after summit where nothing is established but America’s guilt, the need to apologize for hurting muslims’ feelings, and Israel would be sold down the Tigris-Euphrates. Screw that.
I’m happy that after Osama’s declaration of war on 9/11 we kicked the crap out of his organization in Afghanistan. The Afghani’s have had an election and Osama’s splattered remains are rotting in a cave.
Then we overthrew a dictator in Iraq that liked to subsidize terrorists.
Considering the gassing of Kurd villages is well documented the cry of "No WMD!" can only be made by those with eyes closed and fingers in their ears. Considering he had imperial ambitions that couldn't be tolerated- he'd already had a war with Iran, and invaded Kuwait, he was destabilizing a strategic area. Considering Saddam's payments to families of muslim suicide bombers in Israel, and muslim suicides flying airplanes into the WTC, his hands were bloody, the only question is how much blood. Mass graves with children, human shredders, he was an animal. Saddam was a dangerous, murdering dictator who had overstayed his time on the world stage. He had to go. Fortunately Dubya was the man for the job. Kerry would still be wringing his hands and assembling another summit.
Whatever you want to say about Bush, he’s liberated two countries that can now enjoy the democratic process. Kerry offers plans with no details, and has virtually nothing to show for his time in the Senate, but he does know how to marry rich. Flying between mansions in the Heinz Gulfstream may have it’s stresses but it’s hard for the little people to appreciate them. It’s humiliating for them to mingle with the little people- they can’t order at Wendy’s. And he still doesn’t have a clue what life is like for the bottom 98% of the countries population, or what it needs. When he was in Des Moines recently he guaranteed that if elected he’d hold a summit in Ames, maybe to come up with a five-year plan. He’s good at plans. He’s got a briefcase full of them that he doesn’t show to anybody. They help keep the crease in his magic hat. I would bet that every plan is just a sheet of paper that says, “Hold a summit.”
So I look at Kerry and everything seems to be minimal effort and maximum medals- a life of leisure and great self-importance. He doesn’t have a vision for the country, has no idea what he’ll do, he just wants to be President to satisfy his ego. But he can organize a summit. Unfortunately, that may qualify him as a maitre ‘d, but it doesn’t qualify him to be President.
And another thing- I am sick and tired of Bush being called a nazi. Until he commits genocide, tries to establish a master race, or invades Canada or Mexico to get a little lebensraum it cheapens the horror of what Hitler did. You might just as well call Kerry Chairman or Stalin for all the plans he has. If they are all five-year plans it would mean only his re-election would make them work.
All the campaign violence has been against Republican campaign offices. That would make the Democrats the brownshirts. To properly play the nazi role, while breaking windows and looting offices they could scrawl “Juden” with the rest of their graffiti. It would go well with the anybody-but-Bush claims that Bush is an idiot and a chimp.
Not only am I sick and tired of Kerry, I’m sick and tired of the Democrat party too. Last election I protest-voted against both parties, I won’t this time.
If the vote wasn’t so close I’d vote Libertarian or Nader.