Friday, April 11, 2003

OCT 29 '98
Sorry, here comes another rant. This is what happens when I'm not kept
occupied. But I am so sick of political correctness. Sure, you are too,
and you don't care to hear this, but you're not going to stop me.

When I was young and stupid (its a natural thing), but considered myself
somewhat a sophisticated intellectual, I didn't approve of abortions, but
thought a woman had a right to control her own body, so abortions were
undesirable but acceptable. Then I grew up a little. Not nearly so
young, but not quite so stupid. It became clear abortionists always
devalue the life at stake. Its always a 'fetus' or a 'fetal mass.' This
is an attempt to give it the moral standing of a tumor. No tumor has
ever had a nose, or fingers and toes. Its a flagrant devaluation of life
to ignore that.

As you're aware, a doctor who performed abortions was shot. The
abortionists are screaming for somebody's head. I wonder if it would
calm them it they were told the sniper was his mother indulging in a
post-partum abortion. It was her choice.

They've put up a reward of $100,000 for the sniper's capture. If they
believed their own rhetoric they would use the reward money to provide
for the children born because the good doctor is no longer alive,
compassionate souls that they are.

Just recently, a woman in LeClaire was charged with murder because they
matched her DNA to two dead babies they found over the past few years.
Its, murder because they could tell the babies had breathed. If they
couldn't have told, it was legal murder. So I'm outraged. As you can

Moving on.

These PETA people, what a bunch of idiots. They probably sing 'Born
Free' while freeing the minks. Minks are nasty, vicious critters.
Turning hundreds of them loose at a time could cause a lot of
environmental damage. Goodbye, native species. If anybody else did this
it would be environmental terrorism. But "Save the Minks!" A similar act
of idiocy brought starlings and sparrows to the U.S. of A. from England.
Can you imagine how many more native song birds we'd have without these
two species crowding them out?

I tell ya, I love e-mail. Its spamming family.

You've heard," a little knowledge is a dangerous thing." Let me tell
you, its better than the illusion of knowledge. I was in a chat room,
thoroughly irritated. There were half-a-dozen people in there indulging
in some flirting and the most inane patter I've ever read. Every
once-in-a-while somebody would flirt and say something absolutely
mind-numbing. They would get a reply ending with "LOL." I figured this
meant "Lots of love." And as LOL's got thrown around with increasing
frequency I became increasingly irritated. A rational person would have
simply exited. But not caring to make that claim, I decided to make
things worse. Every time they started throwing LOL's, I'd enter

People seemed generally humored, one guy did not. He said, "Something in
here stinks." I replied, "Sorry, do I need to take a bath?" He said,
"Yes, go take a bath." Then another guy, who had been flirting with a
girl said, "I'd take a bath with her." At that point I said, "Alright,
everyone in the tub. Smooches for everyone." Suddenly it was complete
chaos, like watching an old 'Laugh-in.' People who entered the room
would say, "what is going on here?" I laughed for hours, and often
received the formerly irritating "LOL's".

The funny thing about this is that I misunderstood the abbreviation. I
eventually read in a manual LOL means "Lots of laughs." Oh well, even
stupidity has its moments.

It's late. Time to close my rant and my mind (again).

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