Thursday, July 10, 2003
Whine at me:
The Cheapwife was at Target earlier today. She noticed some men’s clothes on clearance she liked. So away we went to Target. If you want to see what a woman likes in men’s clothing just look at her husband. That may not be absolutely true, but it’s close enough.
After two bags full we were done and headed for Royal Fork to get something to eat. Shopping really makes me hungry. Well, that and not eating for a long time.

Ms. Pikachu was acting so normal it was spooky. Trainboy apparently decided to pick up the slack. He said, “Hey, look” and opened his mouth to display a filled-to-capacity quantity of mashed potatoes and gravy, which he then slowly pushed out like some sort of parent’s nightmare play-dough fun factory.

Ms. Pikachu complained that Trainboy “can’t say a sentence without fart or poopy in it.” I told her that he was only copying her, and if she didn’t like it she should stop it herself. She looked like, “what, it’s my fault he acts like me?” Actually it’s mine, but saying that isn’t going to help anyway.

After everybody sitting near us is either grossed-out or offended it’s time to go home. Funny how I never have a belly-full until my belly’s full. Or maybe it isn’t.

So we got home and I thought, I am so overdue to Blog, got to Blog. The wife told me she’d checked out ‘Twelve O’clock High’ from the library and wanted to watch it with me. That’s right, not only will she go to air shows and military museums with me, she’ll check out military movies and watch them with me. God I love this woman. Blogger will have to wait.

We watch the movie. She gets to admire Gregory Peck’s acting abilities. Say that “Gregory…. Peck.” I get to watch a war movie with real B-17’s. It was filmed in ’49. You never see more than about a half-dozen B-17’s at a time. And they crash one of them. It belly-lands and takes out a couple of tents. They were war-surplus back then, sold for scrap. If you could find one to buy now it would cost millions. The crash is almost jaw-dropping extravagant watching it now.

It’s a great movie. In college one of my business instructors was a WW2 pilot, he used the movie as a lesson in management. We watched it in class for class. It was my favorite class. He was my kind of guy. Watch it with an eye on management lessons and it teaches a lot.

Ms. Pikachu asked “Why they didn’t shoot it in color instead of black and white?” I don’t know, maybe for evoking the feel of the era. “But they’d already done ‘Wizard of Oz’ in color before the war.” Dig up Selznick and ask him. Leave me alone.

After the movie the wife said, “Maybe I’m not managing the kids well enough. Maybe I should get more out of them.” Well okay, but I’m a little uneasy at the idea of being married to Gregory… Peck, even if she is playing General Frank Savage. Maybe she can be General Francine Savage. There, that’s the ticket.

No wait, I’ve never really cared for Francine, how about Rebecca, General Rebecca Savage. That’s better, but Savage really sounds kind of … savage, how about General Rebecca Niceperson? It’s working. But General is kind of ostentatious around the home, how about Corporal Rebecca Niceperson.

I’ll just be referred to as “Captain,” or maybe “Sir.” Yeah it all works for me. Get down and give me twenty.

Have your people call my people and we’ll do lunch. Shooting starts next week after we do a rewrite and polish the script some more.

Sorry, sometimes they’re like a runaway engine.


12 O'Clock High
Gregory Peck
Wizard OF Oz

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