Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Super Wife and I put up the basketball hoop. Train Boy came out to help so we had him turn nuts that were easier for him to reach. When it was done we had him squirt water into the base, and he was very precise about the amount he put in. It seemed like there should have been enough water in the base, but he said, "I need to count to twenty." So the base has enough, plus twenty seconds, of water. It should never fall over. I was sure we were wasting our time putting it up anyway though. Of course as soon as it was up the kids were only too happy to shoot baskets.

Then we went to Target and Ms. Pikachu went manic again. It's funny for awhile, then it gets tiring. Eventually she smiled and said, "Dad, did you know that when you're annoyed your voice gets deeper and you talk slower?" Good for another laugh, but I'd had enough. I said I would wait for them in the van. She followed me for a ways and kept begging, "Come on Dad, pull my finger! Well, won't you at least smell my thumb?" (She'd been trying on shoes) She's just nuts, and a lot of fun, but sometimes I've just had enough.

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