Monday, June 13, 2005

The Super Nurse was back in Davenport, watching her Mom. She took a break, and when she came back she noticed that the insulin had been turned up. That may sound like she’s diabetic, but she’s not. It’s apparently a standard thing to do to patients in an ICU. Blood sugar level has a significant effect on healing, ask any diabetic, so it’s controlled closely.

So the Super Nurse asked the nurse why the insulin was turned up. ‘Because she has a blood sugar level over 400.’ Super Nurse was appalled. ‘She’s not a brittle diabetic. She’s been on tube feedings for weeks. Think. A blood sugar that high is impossible.’ The nurse was sure that no mistake had been made. Super Nurse knew it was wrong. She demanded a retest.

The nurse stuck a needle in the end of the PICC line, made a draw, and said, ‘There, that’s done.’ Super Nurse was even more appalled. She was pushing the appalled envelope. Super Nurse informed the nurse that she couldn’t use that sample- that blood had been stagnant in the line. To get a good sample enough blood has to be pulled through to be fresh, that would take at least 5 cc’s. After discarding that old blood, THEN you take the sample.

Super Nurse told the nurse she wanted the blood sugar test by doing a stick on her Mom’s ear. Her Mom consented. The sample was taken and her blood sugar was…. 43. If a person is fasting their blood sugar might get as low as 80. Clare was well down the road to diabetic coma and death.

Super Nurse was not happy. But knowing mistakes can be made she did not scream or yell. Nope. In the spirit of Christian love the Super Nurse put on a PICC line care clinic. Ya gotta love her. By time time Super Nurse was done the nurse was well-schooled. Unfortunately, the nurse was a poor student. Every time the nurse came in and disconnected the PICC line Super Nurse had to remind her to swab it with alcohol for at least 30 seconds before putting it back together. Every time.

Super Nurse is upset. Some of the nurses have been outstanding, but when you have one that doesn’t know how to safely do the job you fear for the safety of the patient. Super Nurse will go toe to toe with the Administration tomorrow. This could be interesting.

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