Don't hate me for this, but I'm going all apocalyptic today. The horror, the horror.
Back in 1970 a book, ’The Late Great Planet Earth’ was published. It caused quite a sensation. People anticipated the second coming of Christ based on Hal Lindsey’s claim that, as per Ezekiel 37, the generation to see the return of the Jews to Israel would see the return of Christ. He explained that a generation was 40 years, based on how long it took for everybody that came out of Egypt to die in the wilderness.
That never made sense to me. In Psalm 90:10 10 “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” So 70 years it is, unless it’s 80. However, 70 becomes more reasonable when it is considered that the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD. Times and events earlier in the Bible are often examples of what’s to come.
So- Israel re-founded in 1948, plus 70 is 2018. Deduct 7 years for the Tribulation and you have the rapture in 2011. There is much disagreement in the Christian community regarding when the Rapture occurs. Some believe it comes before the Tribulation, some believe in the middle, others at the end.
Going back to the Old Testament for an example, the only global cataclysm was the Great Flood of Noah’s time told in Genesis. Noah and his family were sealed in the ark by the Lord and were safe from the flood. Based on that, it would be reasonable to assume the rapture will occur before the tribulation and we’ll be waiting patiently for it to end.
If that’s correct, who is the Anti-Christ? Barack Obama? Maybe. The following is information that was on a YouTube video that is no longer available that gave the original Hebrew words. If the links don’t work, the Strongs Numbers are the last part of the links.
Luke 10:18 And He said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning falling from the heavens.
Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary (SHD) No. 1299- baraq (baw-rak’) A primitive root: to lighten (lightning) –cast forth
SHD No. 1300 from baraq; by analogy; a gleam; concretely, a flashing sword—bright, glitter(-ing sword), lightning.
Isaiah 14:12-19 is regarding Satan, in verse 14 Satan says, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.”
SHD No.1116 bamah (bam-maw’) From an unused root (meaning to be high); an elevation—height, high place, wave. Also used to refer to the heavens
In Hebrew the sixth letter is “waw” or “vau” it can be translated as “u” or “o.” The letter is primarily used as a conjunction to tie concepts together. To join the concepts of “lightning” and “from heaven” a “u” or “o” would be used. The result would be either “baraq u bam-maw” or “baraq o bam-maw.”
The name “Satan” is from Hebrew. (My own note here- we call him Satan, the Jews call him ha-Satan, meaning “the Adversary.”)
Going back to Luke 10:18, using the original Hebrew words Christ used, the verse would be- “And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as Baraq O Bam-maw.”
What are the odds that any President of the United States would have that name? It’s chilling.
Does that mean Barack Obama is THE Anti-Christ? As you can see, the case can be made. He certainly seems to be vain enough. However, in the Apostle’s time there were already some who were said to be anti-Christs.
There’s also the matter of the Anti-Christ proclaiming himself God in the temple. There isn’t a temple on the Holy Mount, there’s a mosque. Perhaps for this to happen a natural catastrophe, like an earthquake, will occur. However, the Israelis gave control of the Temple Mount to the Muslims. It’s unlikely that, even if the mosque is leveled, the Muslims would ever let the Jews rebuild their temple.
Here’s a possible solution. There are stories told of the Temple Priests burying fixtures before the Romans got there and destroyed the temple. The Muslims have been doing major excavations on the Mount. here:’s just a guess, but perhaps the Muslims unearth the Temple artifacts and put them in their mosque. If Obama goes to the Middle-East the Muslims could offer him a visit to the Dome on the Rock. No infidel is allowed in there. However, since Barack’s father was Muslim, by Muslim law Barack will always be a Muslim. He would be the first President to go inside. Surrounded by the gold fixtures of the Temple, he might be inspired by his own destiny. Or not. It’s all guesswork on my part.
If not the Anti-Christ, he could be the Anti-John the Baptist preparing the way. He may so weaken the United States economy and military that it is no longer a credible deterrent for him or his successor. The Russians and Chinese may see it as a rare opportunity to seize the middle east and deny us its oil.
Yes, it may all sound like so much gloom and doom, but we’ll be in heaven in joyous fellowship with Christ and singing praises to God. The misery is on earth, not in heaven.
So when would all of this happen? On Rosh HaShanna, the Feast of Trumpets. This year it starts at sunset on September 28 and continues for two days. Assuming it’s all done on Jerusalem time, and that’s eight hours ahead of Central Time, it could happen any time after about noon on the 28th. Short notice, my bad. I’ve been sitting on this since July 2008.
On the other hand, my wife believes that since it was 70 years from Christ’s birth to the loss of the Temple, we should start counting with the year that the Jews regained it. That was 1967. If she’s right, we have another 19 years to prepare.
Considering how the world is teetering on the edge of total economic collapse and descending into chaos, sooner may be the better bet. On the other hand, I’m not confident enough to live as though it’s all ending tomorrow. But I am going to live as though some day I’m going to see Jesus.
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