Friday, June 10, 2005

While she was there they moved Clare to some other area for some reason, I don't remember the specifics of that. However, when they were moving her Super Nurse saw that the transport person wasn't watching the IV lines. One of the lines went taut. She told him to stop. The transporter stopped and asked why. I think she kept pushing to get some slack in the lines. She told him that the lines were taut. He said "no they aren't, just look at them." Oy. Then some other tech chimed in with 'no, those lines are too long to have been pulled taut.' Super Nurse said, 'look, those two lines are fine, but that third line is shorter, and it WAS stretched as far as it could go.'

Her biggest concern wasn't that it was an IV line. It was the PICC line- an IV that's actually threaded well into an artery. It takes a doctor to do one. Having one pull out would be terribly bloody and would mean having to do the procedure again somewhere else.

After the hair atrocity, the near IV incident really stressed Patricia. She tries so hard to make sure everything goes right, putting up with the incompetents really wears on her. She does her job well, she expects others to also.

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