Sunday, May 04, 2003

My comments on the news as I read the paper, not that you care, but you're getting them anyway. This is not spam, you're here of your own free will.

Two astronauts and a cosmonaut returned to earth in a Soyuz. That would mean landing on land instead of water. But wouldn't that be waterring on water? Anyway, hitting the ground in a steel capsule could be quite jarring. If they have problems with hemmorhoids have them e-mail me. I'll help as best I can. Me and SuperNurse. (see the 04/29 post)

Nine Democrats wanting to be President had a debate and argued about the Iraq war. Now let me get this straight. Saddam had committed terrible acts of torture, murder, even imprisoned children, used WMD on his own people, supported terrorists, everybody but his henchmen are glad he's gone, and it's still debatable. Oh please. The only other issues debated were the Bush tax cut and health care.

It doesn't make much sense that they want to be President and the best they can do is argue against a popular war that's already over, and whine that the public isn't paying enough taxes, and making health insurance reforms. Again, arguing against the war is a non-starter. Telling people "we want your money back" is a non-starter. Health insurance reform is nice, but who wants to pay for it?

The government tried to extend prescription coverage to Medicare recipients before. Senior citizens screamed for years they needed prescription drug coverage. The gummint finally said ok, you can have your prescription drug coverage but it'll cost you. The cost was absurdly low compared to the cost of drugs. But the seniors said hell with that, we ain't paying for it, so it was repealed. The seniors still bitch about the cost of drugs. The problem is that people don't wan't reform, they want free. So health insurance reform looks like another non-starter.

Looks to me like the Democrats have no issues and nowhere to go. Bush executes a popular war, does a trap landing on a carrier, and gets out looking like the leader you just do not screw with. He's alpha dog and everybody else will sit, roll over and play dead. He's a two-termer unless he screws it up badly. The democrats are just selecting a sacrifice to get them by until the next election. Only the most optimistic would want to be the Democratic candidate. The smarter ones would lay low, maybe they are. Not that I care. If you care to know, I have no party affiliation.

New Hamphire's Old Man of the Mountain fell. So what now, they recall all the quarters? From the picture, it looks they they could say he just turned to look into the distance and he's wearing a hat. But that wouldn't work. Not really. But where there's tourism dollars there's a will and a way. In some smoke-filled room they're screaming about whether they should pick up the pieces and reassemble it, or chisel out a new one like Mt Rushmore. I'd bet a New Hampshire quarter they decide to reassemble it.

Madonna says she still loves England. Yawn. Too many trees died for this one.

An asteroid was named for Mr Rogers. That's nice, he was the kind of guy you'd like to be your neighbor. But if that thing ever plunges out of orbit and hits the Earth there will be a lot of disillusioned kids.

May I digress? Thank you. When I was growing up we didn't have Mr. Rogers, we had Captain Kangaroo. And we got along just fine, thank you very much. No Sesame Street either. Summers were hotter, the snow deeper. It was a harder life, but we were probably better for it. I beat my chest, cough a little, and move on.

A hiker in Utah amputated his own arm to free himself after being trapped by a boulder. He may only have one arm now, but he's got both stones. Unfortunately he apparently didn't have a lot of common sense. Because after all, isn't everybody warned not to go out in the wilderness unless they have a buddy along. You don't go swimming alone, you don't go hiking alone, you don't go hunting alone, because there's safety in numbers. Accidents happen, that's why they call them accidents. Be a Boyscout, Be Prepared. He can be glad he's alive. He'll probably never have to buy another beer. He'll probably start calling me Comrade.

Congress may take action to curb spam. This can only mean one thing. They've tried to shakedown the spammers for campaign contributions and come up empty handed. Congress is going to teach them the system works. A couple dollars here and there and spam will be protected free speech. Everybody, all together, My Country tis of thee, sweet land of duplicity.

We're at page 9, but it's taking a terrible toll on my Pollyanna disposition. The OpEd and sports will just crush me. Comics, got to find the comics. And the Best Buy ad. And the Menards ad. And the Home Depot ad. I need a reason to go on living. sniff, sniff.

Got to go, the kids are watching TV all by their lonesomes. For all I know they're being corrupted by CNN.

your Publicserf

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