Thursday, February 19, 2004

Apparently the audiologist did not fail completely. My older sister tells me she remembers our parents getting a call from the school informing them I might have problems but they should get a second opinion. The folks were distressed. And they did nothing, or at least they chose denial or wishful thinking.

Considering the number of times I had difficulty in class, it would have been a lot better if they just told me. As it was, I continued to make mistakes that made me feel inadequate academically and socially. Apparently my teachers were not informed. I don’t remember any teacher making any adjustment to accommodate me. We were always seated alphabetically and I always wound up in the back half of the class. Oh well. It’s over and done with.

Looking back at my childhood I have always remembered things that just didn’t seem quite right and told myself, “I am not going to do that to my kids.” I have managed to hold to it pretty well, and made my own mistakes instead. I’m sure the wife and kids could tell you all about them.

And I think “Sink or swim” is a fine philosophy as long as you’re not sinking.

Enough of self-absorbed stuff. Tomorrow will be fun again- Jello, movie reviews, the kids driving me nuts, maybe all of them.
Whine at me:

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