Monday, February 16, 2004

2/16/04 First
This morning I took a peek. It certainly had settled somewhat. It appeared to be about as dense as a sponge. From now on whenever I see a dessert like that I will only think of it as Impatient Jell-O. But maybe some people intend it that way. Maybe some people like it that way. Maybe some people just haven't a clue.

When Holy Wife comes home in a few hours, if there's any left, we'll see how it turned out. Regardless, I think using 7-Up for the remaining fluid was a good idea. It would make it kind of 'punchy.'
2/16/04 second

Her Grace is back. She's all smiles. All the little old ladies loved it. Some of them had heard of using pop, but apparently none of them had done it. I am a wild man. I am a wild man growing popular with little old ladies. Almost none of it was left. It was the 'most gone' Jell-O dessert. Looking at the pan it was apparent that the fruit had sunk to the bottom and melted some of the foam- making a red, fruit layer that actually jelled. The top half was still the red foam. Oh, so THAT'S how they do that! I had always assumed it was some laborious layering, chilling, process. I’m going to be much harder to impress with Jell-O from now on.

We shared the last couple bites and it wasn't bad. Could have used more 7-Up though, it was not exactly what I wanted. It was the price of impatience.

Here's the dirt- this was for a funeral, 55 people attended. Our Blessed Lady of Funerals made 96 ham sandwiches. Some of the people took three at a time. Sure, some of them probably got sandwiches for others, but you do the math. From her description they ate like the Dohlmans.

I don’t expect anybody outside of immediate family to understand that reference. Let me explain. The Dohlmans were a large family of large people. There’s a reason there were no all-you-can-eat buffets in our county. They were the reason. They weren’t allowed to enter county fair pie eating contests because they were professionals. Do I exaggerate? Of course, but that’s never stopped me before.

Back to the funeral. Nobody wanted to take the last sandwich. Her Holiness said some poor guy who'd kept himself busy feeding his kids hadn't had a bite for himself. She gave him the sandwich. I couldn’t bring myself to ask if the others fought him for it.

In the end, everybody liked the Jell-O. I have lost my fear of Jell-O. The Super Wife is grateful that I made Jell-O. If you’re having a funeral or some such give me a call, I’ll bring the Jell-O.

It's hard to believe I just took a shot at a bunch of people at a funeral. No, sometimes I don't think I have any shame. At any rate, when I die you can fast or famine- I won't care. Just remember what my Dad always said, "No leftovers!"
Whine at me:

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